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Velkomin á vefsíðu Seakayak Iceland Seakayak Iceland starfar bæði í Stykkishólmi og Reykjavík auk þess að vera með ferðir á Breiðafirði, Jökulfjörðum, Hornströndum, Grænlandi og Miðjarðarhafinu svo eitthvað sé nefnt. Við bjóðum uppá metnaðarfullar sjókayak ferðir og námskeið af öllum stærðum og gerðum auk þess að bæði selja og leigja búnað. Nákvæmar upplýsingar um starfsemi okkar er að finna á þessari síðu og ekki hika við að hafa samband með tölvupósti eða símleiðis, við tökum öllum fyrirspurnum vel og svörum öllum fljótt og vel. Síða þessi er bæði á Ensku og Íslensku en allt Íslenskt efni er með svörtu letri og Enskt með bláu letri.
Welcome to the Seakayak Iceland website Seakayak Iceland operates from the town of Stykkishólmur and city of Reykjavík and also runs trips on Breiðafjörður, Jökulfirðir ( Glaciar fiords ), Hornstrandir on the western fiords, Greenland, Mediterranien and more locations. We are ambitious to deliver seakayak trips and courses of an high standard suitable for each and every individual, along with outfitting and selling kayak equipment online. Detailed informations about our services are on the website and do not hesitate to contact us, we appreaciate all request and try to reply promptly. Please note that this website is in both English and Icelandic and all English text is blue and Icelandic in black. We'd like to thank our sponsor for funding the organization of the trips. Betting is easy with the help of this popular online casino guide.Interesting Iceland
There a lot of things that can be seen or done in Iceland which you can’t anywhere else. It’s not easy to think of another country that you can hike, bird watch and kayak all in one day. Iceland has so much adventures and activities to choose from. No matter what your age is or your interests are, Iceland has something in store for you! Whether it is to do something you usually enjoy or to step out of your comfort zone, Iceland has something to offer. In addition to that, they also have a lot of trained individuals that can assist you so if you’re a beginner, don’t fret! It’s about time you did something new! If you're interested in betting on kayak sport events - read the online sports betting guide. Here’s only a few of the things you can do in this country:
Sea Kayaking - To kayak across the Icelandic horizon is an experience you shall never forget – even if you tried. Whether it is a beginner course you are looking for or maybe a more challenging route to pump up your adrenaline, the Icelandic coast has that to offer.
The kayaking experience in Iceland is enhanced by its picturesque backdrop. Along with this, there’s also a good chance of having to experience bird watching as well.
Hiking - A large part of Iceland is enveloped with magnificent glaciers, lava, mountains and such. These primeval structures offer an experience you shouldn’t dare ignore.
Hiking is one of the favorite past times of locals as well as tourists. There are a lot of routes and trails to choose from so pack your mountain bags and schedule a hiking trip soon!
Whale Watching - Whale watching can probably be the most well-loved activities in Iceland. It is because success rates of actually spotting whales of different kinds are almost 100%. Among these are humpback whales, blue whales, killer whales, and a lot more.
Iceland sure is jam-packed with activities and there are other services we offer! So call your travel agent now and book yourself a load of adventure!
ATV Riding in Iceland
At the same time as the shoreline of Iceland is sprinkled with striking scenery, the snowy peaks get a lot of play, the interior of Iceland is every tad as thrilling and stimulating during that time that you take your own 4×4 vehicle or all-terrain vehicle or ATV tours. To a greater extent of people are taking to escapade travel, but a number of newer travelers are a bit hesitant. Will there be enough time to travel around, or is it all in relation to adrenaline rush? Take a peek at this theoretical itinerary, and check out if it is quite fitting for you: As you arrive, immediately check in to your lodging house, and have a wonderful and luscious meal at some of the gourmet bistros around the area of Reykjavik. In this place fun will look for you and not the other way around. The theme of the following day will be natural grandeur and the upland. First stop will be World Heritage Spot of UNESCO. Afterwards, you can eliminate the stress of travbeling by bathing in Hveravellir in the innate hot spring. Devote the evening in picturesque Saudarkrokur. The northern part Iceland and Lake Myvatan – Bring your ATV or 4 x 4 and revel in the plush, Eyjafjorour fjord that is truly rich agriculture. Lake Myvatan will carry your breath away. Moreover, the remarkable Godafoss Waterfall will revitalize you. For a better and more fun experience in the place, you can also try The Diamond Circle. The Diamond Circle incorporates the north eastern area of Iceland. Dettifoss and Asbyrgi Canyon Waterfalls are also considered as hot spots on your trip for that day. You will go through the spectacular Laxardalur or the path to relaxing in the nearby Lake Myvatn. Go back to the highland. As you return, you can go to the highland flat terrain to take a break at the vivid Askja Crater upon going to Herdubreidalindir at the base of remarkable Mt. Heraubreid, supposed by a lot of people to be the most lovely of all the mountains in Iceland. Bring your hiking kicks and a lot of liquids.